Experiences of people who Succeeded with Google Adsense (part3)

Online achieve astronomical sums, and the owner of the website a normal person, and is now the site location No. 1 for long in America, Canada, England,
Where the number of site visits today than 2 billion hits per month (No. Fiction is not it).
Began his position in 2003, and after For three months became achieves about 44 dollars a day and went to WebmasterWorld forum and the participation of one did not believe him,
Every day you do not profit from the Internet known as The following day culture still did not spread when a lot of people,
Faovernma monopoly of the elite and they take advantage of profit from the Internet and share their secrets.
Tells that did not face any problem in the progress of the site only one problem is whenever progress and the number of visitors, the more
Number of servers used until it reached the site at the time and became runs on 4 servers and had been suffering from it because he was working for the unity of not only one assisted by his girlfriend who lives with him and the one answer messages subscribers, and respond to their problems and provide them with technical support. Site and the idea is not distinctive There were dating before 2003,
But what distinguishes his idea that he allowed that service free of charge after it was all dating sites are not free.
In 2006 it was the site achieves more than 10 thousand dollars per day from Google Adsense, and since he lives in Canada Valhikat acquaintances are in Canadian dollars and not the U.S. can also be seen in the image beneath it

For three months and request a check approaching value of one million Canadian dollars were rejected his bank because it contains a large number (interpreted that the reason for this is their hatred it to his young age and the profits that achieves), forcing him to change the bank that deals with him.
Statistics in Wikipedia says that the position achieved in 2008, about 10 million U.S. dollars,
Now I'm sure it was investigating more, and after he became employed at the site alone is now operates with a team of 66 ăćÖÝ, Web developers, marketers dissidents, and Modvin provide technical support for each of the problem encountered at the site. All he did Markus is thinking the opposite of what people think, and discernible idea dating sites that must be paid monthly for subscribing to those sites, and make up free at his post, and instead profit from subscription and subscribers, he decided to profit from the visitors indirectly Using Google Adsense any will win when the visitor presses on the ads, which puts them in position, and this has benefited both parties, the first party of visitors have had the service for free, which benefited from the visitors profit from AdSense ads


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